Member-only story
Why Your Favorite Writers Don’t Publish Daily or Weekly
If you have spent any amount of time on Medium, you have come across articles that tell you how to build your audience and get paid well on Medium. Many, if not all, of them will tell you that you need to post daily or at least more than once a week to build momentum for your work. They will also tell you to publish your work in reputable, niche publications for maximum visibility to build your tailored audience.
Well, all of that is true…to a certain degree.
But you have to think quality over quantity. 30 articles about your random thoughts or x-number of ways to do some popular thing may get you $5/article, totaling $150 for the month; but one good, strong, quality article can earn you $150 for the month. The latter required less time and mental energy as opposed to the work of thinking of something to write about every day.
My article is not about making money, but why you don’t see your favorite writers posting daily or weekly. The previous paragraph is a big part of that why. We understand the value of our time and how it equates to earnings on Medium.
Someone is likely your favorite because you like their style of writing and their ability to command words to convey their thoughts in a logical and thought-provoking way that holds your attention and leaves you feeling…