Thank You for Subscribing!

A Letter from Me to You

May 22, 2023
Photo by cottonbro studio:

Hi All!

I wanted to craft a brief letter to express my gratitude to all of you that have subscribed to my account. To me, your subscription means my content appeals to you and resonates with you. It means my work is good enough for you to invest your time and energy. It means a lot. Thank you!

I remember when I first started and was trying to get 50 followers. Now, I have 201! Amazing! Thank you to each of you.

Oh, and a special thank you to those who signed up to receive e-mail alerts. That really touches me because that means you don’t want to miss an article. Just wow. Thank you!

Thanks with Love,

P.S. Go back to the top and feel that hug from me to you! ❤




Author of Stories concerning Black America & Hot Topics w/ a Positive Flare & Teachable Moment | Google Top Author | Co-Editor Afro-Cinemaphile & AfroSapiophile